Elliott Gould Tugs his Ear Twice


In 1969, Barbra Streisand was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in Funny Girl. Separated from her husband Elliott Gould, the actor nevertheless escorted her to the ceremony. 

“He had arrived to pick her up high on marijuana, and she hoped no one would notice. Elliott needed to get stoned, he said, because ‘I was terribly self-conscious about being with a woman from whom I had just separated and about being among people I felt weird about, people who thrive on the dramatic implications of that kind of situation,’ he told Playboy. ‘It was a difficult night for me, a trauma.’ No one noticed Elliott’s condition, except a friend whom he had told to watch for a signal: if he was stoned, he’d tug on his ear twice when the camera first panned to him and Barbra. He did so.’ Streisand The Intimate Biography, James Spada, Warner Books, 1995.


