Robert Moses Introduces the Unisphere

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A globe 150 feet in diameter will be the symbol of the New York World’s Fair of 1964-1965.
The fair corporation has named the object Unisphere, apparently meaning one sphere. The symbol of the 1939-1940 World’s Fair here was an elongated pyramid joined to a huge ball–the Trylon and Perisphere.
Robert Moses, president of the 1964 World’s Fair Corporation said yesterday ‘Frankly, I never understood the Trylon and Perisphere.’
Mr. Moses, unveiling a drawing of the Unisphere yesterday, said it ‘illustrates, symbolizes, and embodies man’s achievement on a shrinking globe in an expanding universe.’
‘It emphasizes the necessity of achieving peace through mutual understanding of all peoples,’ he said. The stainless steel frames that form the the cage of the sphere will represent lines of latitude and longitude. The continents and largest islands will be raised in steel mesh. National and state capitals will blink in colored lights.
The orbits of three artificial satellites will be represented by wires, along each of which a light, representing the satellites, will circle the earth.

‘120 Foot Steel ‘Unisphere’ Will Be Symbol of the ’64Fair,’ The New York Times, page 37, February 15, 1961.